« Vàng mã » or votive paper is a custom originating in ancient
China. The living burn offerings, replicas of paper objects intended for use in
the world of the dead. By caring for their deceased loved ones, the living
receive their blessings.
It is estimated that 50,000 tons of paper and various
objects are burned each year in Vietnam. The price of these handmade offerings
varies from a few euros to several hundred euros. All wishes, even the most
extravagant, can be made to order.
This practice has no religious basis. The Buddhist Church of
Vietnam has been fighting for several years for its abandonment because it is
deemed useless and not in conformity with the precepts of Buddhism.
The "Vang Ma" project was shot on diapositives in 2019. The images can be projected directly onto the wall without the need for any printed support.